Friday 17 January 2014

The Croods

The Croods says., There is difference between living
and Not dieing
and I think there is a difference between loving and
Not hating tooooo.,

Feel the Feel

Feel the feel ., if you can't only others can feel bad
about you., because you can't do that for
© My Word is My Sword

Benjamin Franklin

"Either write something worth reading or do
something worth writing." - Benjamin Franklin

Martin Luther King Jr.

"A man can't ride your back unless it's
bent." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

I have decided to stick to love. Hate is too great
a burden to bear. - Martin Luther King Jr.

Mahesh 1 Nenokkadine

Seen 1 after a hectic schedule., and sukumar made
me hectic after watching it., sukku should b proud
of his screenplay in the mind bcoz ., Screenplay is
the heart of the movie
Prince @ his besttt
Interval scene @ peaks.,
Sukku-Mahi made TFI proud., they dared., but our
Telugu people didn't ( E nijam apadamaithe
bavunnu )
They need a applause.,
I heard someone saying There s no Entertainment .,
They should check their definition
Totally loved itttt.,
My one line for "1"
Intelligent-Feel Good-Touching- Thriller

Sunday 12 January 2014